modern Primary Care
I’m Dr. Sparks. I’m a family medicine doctor in Tallahassee that is passionate about providing quality primary care.
It’s no secret that our healthcare system is broken. I left the daily medical routine behind to change the way medicine is practiced and I believe this can be accomplished with Direct Primary Care (DPC).
Direct Primary Care focuses on the patient. By excluding the red tape involved with insurance and long wait times to see your doctor, I can provide a more personal experience which allows us to openly communicate and ultimately guide you towards better health.
Sparks Health Direct Primary Care in Tallahassee connects patients with their physician through a modern, membership-based practice that integrates evidence-based medicine with patients' values.
Whether you are young or young at heart, healthy or have a complicated medical history, there is a place for you at Sparks Health. Together, we can start a new path in wellness one step at a time. I look forward to connecting with you soon!
Kansas Sparks, DO

Sparks Health is a membership based, Direct Primary Care practice in Tallahassee, FL that offers high-quality, personalized healthcare.

Here's how we're changing your healthcare delivery

Traditional Practice
- Long waiting room times
- Appointments are typically 10 minutes
- Insurance, copays and hidden fees
- Questions or concerns take days for a response
- Appointments booked out months
- Rarely get to see the doctor
- Lack of price transparency, often with unclear markups of services
Sparks Health
- On time appointments
- Appointments between 30-60 minutes
- No co-pays or surprise bills.
- Direct communication with Dr. Sparks (email, phone and text
- Same day or next day appointments
- See only Dr. Sparks